A Fraction of the Whole

Author: Steve Toltz

Genre: Novel, Domestic Fiction

Publisher: Hamish Hamilton, Australia 2008

Voice: Pooria Rahimisam, Ramin Beirag

Time: 22 hours and 42 minutes

Price: 17$

You never hear about a sportsman losing his sense of smell in a tragic accident, and for good reason; in order for the universe to teach excruciating lessons that we are unable to apply in later life, the sportsman must lose his legs, the philosopher his mind, the painter his eyes, the musician his ears, the chef his tongue. My lesson? I have lost my freedom, and found myself in this strange prison, where the trickiest adjustment, other than getting used to not having anything in my pockets and being treated like a dog that pissed in a sacred temple, is the boredom. I can handle the enthusiastic brutality of the guards, the wasted erections, even the suffocating heat. (Apparently air�conditioning offends society�s notion of punishment�as if just by being a little cool we are getting away with murder.) But what can I do here to kill time? Fall in love? Sleep all day? Meditate?